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[B]A novel featuring life on Staten Island in the 1970's[/B]
Bobby Clark has written a novel about people who lived on Staten Island in the 1970’s. The title of the book is American Wildflower.
The author, Bobby Clark, has completed a novel about people who lived on Staten Island in the 1970’s. The title of the book is American Wildflower. The story is about a young man born on the island who went to the Vietnam War and returned home troubled by an unusual event that occurred there involving the death of one of his fellow soldiers and for which the young man, Eddie Calta, blamed himself despite the fact that he was blameless. He dealt with the issue and eventually came to resolve it all on Staten Island in the years following his return. The story includes economic and social facts about the island at the time as well as the many persons who shared Eddie’s life and adventures there. Most important among them was Carolyn, the girl who came to marry a troubled Vietnam War veteran and who learned first hand about the war after it was over.
The book is available in a Kindle edition from Amazon. Kindle software can be downloaded to a PC or an iPod for free then enabling one to order the book.

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